  • 期刊


The Emotional Arousal Applied Model of Form Association in Conceptual Design




Scenario and storytelling is a user's experience oriented design method. Based upon scenario, storytelling and theory of affordance, this research discovered that, from references of emotional design, it was possible to integrate form arousal theory to handle positively pleasant imagination and negatively unpleasant imagination to yield a more efficient form arousal design model. Through the design model, a creative thinking matrix defined by two dimensions of affective arousal context and process of from association was proposed. The model used language enhancement, condition difference, and image links as three major means for affective arousal context. Moreover, the form association could be triggered by four steps: (1) building imagination scenario, (2) making clear characteristics, (3) arranging functions and mechanisms, and (4) reinforcing the product form tension. In this study, a rule of models was first built for the application and steps in the model. Secondly, three conceptual design cases were used to illustrate the possibility of using the arousal design model in new product development. With such a design model, the designers had a good chance to give wow impressions to their audience. The findings suggest that the understanding processes of design experts overlaps with those of designers in terms of form arousal. Likewise, it is easier to obtain the wow impression in conceptual design. At last, suggestions and restrictions for the application of the form arousal model were offered.


Design Emotion Arousal Creativity Later Wow Design Model


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