  • 期刊


Exploring the Product Identity Status and Policies of Taiwan-based 3C Brands




No studies have ever tried to examine how Taiwan-based 3C brands have succeeded in product identity establishment today. In this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with five product designers of global 3C brands and the grounded theory was adopted to analyze interview data. The range of product identity can be complemented by this study and the results of this study can be used by 3C brands as a reference when designing their products. There are five findings acquired in this study: (1) based on brand goal and commitment, product identity can be established through design consistency and uniqueness; (2) the more product categories are, the less product identity among these categories can be established; (3) trademark and product style comprise the major part of product identity established by most brand cases and can be applied to all product categories; (4) the most effective product identity is unique product form; (5) six important factors that influence product identity are also mentioned in this study. Generally speaking, product identity is not very popular in Taiwan 3C brands today.


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