  • 期刊


Exploring the Recognition Process to the Ambiguous Figures by Analyzing the Scanpath of Eye Movement




In order to investigate the relationship between the compositions of ambiguous figures and recognition models under the theory of selective attention, this study takes three equivocal figures and three figure-ground figures as stimuli to carry out the eye tracking. It recodes the eye movement parameters, and applies the procedures of open coding and axial coding in a qualitative research. By the way of the computing, matching, classifying, laying data and pictures, several concepts are submitted to explain the ways of dominating recognition, including primary zone, secondary zone, key feature and secondary feature. The reorganization model is classified into five categories: identifying key areas, verifying primary and secondary zone mutually, identifying critical areas, the inability to perceive the target, and the inability to see the target. Although the ”deceptive skills” on the composition are different in these two sets of graphics and lead to the variation in subjects' vision search models, subjects' recognition behaviors are not significantly different. Finally, we propose the search and recognition process to explain how it identifies a graphic between mental drive (top-down) and vision drive (bottom-up). We also analyze graphic composition which can provide the references for designing ambiguous figures.


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