  • 期刊


The Evolution of Mobile Phones to Attract Consumers


行動電話在生活中的聯絡及記錄的功能已具不可替代地位,是20世紀末重要的創新產品,對此產品的發展實有加以整理之必要。台灣也擁有約20年的完整發展歷程,更為國際重要品牌代工,其位於全球供應鏈的關鍵位置及擁有自己的知名品牌。因此從台灣出發以1.產品整體發展、2.造形發展歷程分析、3.功能發展歷程分析,期望將研究結果作為日後設計的參考。所以利用報紙的不斷記錄資料特性,其留下的產品之重要即時資訊作為資料來源。以關鍵字檢索在經濟日報、聯合報、民生報等三大報,從1989年在台灣開始市售至2011年12月為止所得的資料。利用Microsoft Access 2010將檢索到的相關圖片、及文字資訊,再系統地整理及編年地分類資料,及參考從網路收集至2014年8年為止的資料。藉由KJ法將這些文本資料加以歸納為功能發展歷程,並輔以9位專家的訪談來證實及補充消費者受吸引的歸納結果。發現它與消費者的生活型態間之關係,共可分成四個階段:身份象徵導向、實用導向、多元體驗導向、智慧導向。造形吸引消費者的可發展分成四個階段:形隨機能、輕薄短小、多樣和簡約。功能發展從基本的通話,結合PDA、照相、上網、GPS及安裝App功能,成智慧型手機。隨處可見的「低頭族」確已改變了大家的生活型態。新的行動概念更因雲端及攜帶裝置概念,能隨時隨地取得資訊,而進入健康關懷的階段。


行動電話 功能 造形 演進發展 關懷設計


Mobile phones play an important role in our daily lives, which has had a tremendous influence on cell phone evolution within twenty years. It is easy to see the drastic change mobile phones have made and how they are influenced by user demands. For this reason, the author considers mobile phones as a model of product evolution. Taiwan has complete control of the world's industrial supply chain of mobile phones, owning key production locations, and some well-known worldwide brands in OEM. Therefore, Taiwan's location is optimal for observing its development. The purposes of this study are to conduct an overview of mobile phone evolution, to analyze the development and functions mobile phones. Since the information of mobile phone development isn't well-documented, the local newspapers are a primary source for following the development of these products. During research, keywords were used to retrieve information from three major newspaper databases, from 1989, when cell phone were first used in Taiwan, to December 2011. It is shown that the shape and function of these devices have become more like the iPhone. Microsoft Access 2010, and valid photos and texts, where used to build a chronological database. The 'KJ' method was adopted for the grouping of related illustrations and texts. Nine experts were interviewed and confirmed the results. It was found that the evolution of the mobile phone shows a correlation between peoples' needs, and commercial tech marketing. The overall development of this device can be categorized into four stages: status symbol, practicality, novelty, and functionality. The shape development is also summarized into four stages: form follows function, compactness, diversity and simplicity. Early development of mobile phones gradually adapted PDA, cameras, Internet, GPS, etc., whereas todays' phones have the capabilities of a mini PC. Because of the influence mobile phones have worldwide, it easy to observe individuals checking their phones for messages or news, living with their heads "bowed down!" The new age of mobile phone design is leading into cloud technology, iWatch-styles, as well as the emerging age of electronic healthcare applications.


Mobile Phone Function Form Evolution Caring Design


