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Renaming a new Buergeria species from Taiwan - correction of a nomenclatural act not available to ICZN

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With multiple lines of evidences including genetics, morphology, acoustic signals, and behavioral information, Wang et al. (2017) described a new Buergeria tree frog (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Nevertheless, this paper was published in an electronic journal and did not contain ZooBank ID. This new species is thus "not published" based on International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) chapter 3, article 8.5. Later in 2018, Wang et al. (2018) published a correction with ZooBank ID, but the correction did not contain the statement about the holotype. Although such statement has been provided in the 2017 paper, the species name proposed in this 2018 nomenclatural act was still not available based on ICZN chapter 4, article 16.4. Since both nomenclatural acts did not meet the criteria in ICZN, we hereby publish this paper to solve this taxonomic controversy.

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