  • 期刊

IEEE 802.11的流量分散連線情況監控機制

A Load-sharing Aligorithm for 802.11 MAC Protocol Using Connection Monitor Mechanism



近年來通訊產業不斷成長,技術不斷演進,加上網際網路的蓬勃發展,無線網路已趨於普及,新型態的通訊模式正逐漸形成中。 1997年美國電機電子學會IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)公告IEEE 802.11無線區域網路標準,IEEE 802.11的主要目的是要制訂一套適合在無線區域網路環境下作業的通訊協定,最重要的工作,就是要制訂出媒體層(MAC)和實體層規格。 在IEEE 802.11無線區域網路中,工作站與無線橋接器的連結(Association)主要是依據訊號強度來做參考,然而此方法並不十分有效率,因為訊號強度與通訊品質之間並不能畫上等號,有鑑於此,我們提出一套新的方法“連線情況監控機制(Connection Monitor Mechanism)“這套新的方法主要是架構於IEEE 802.11的媒體層(MAC)協定上,藉由這套新的機制,在兩個以上相鄰的IEEE 802.11無線區域網路中,可以達到分散資料流量,改善網路傳輸情況等目的,並讓網路的傳輸頻寬可以得到較高的利用率。


In this paper, a new method for load sharing to transfer packet data in wireless local area network (WLAN) is proposed. The core of this method is based on load sharing using Connection Monitor Mechanism (CMM). For traditional IEEE 802.11 WLAN environment, the association between wireless station and wireless bridge is based on the signal strength. It is not that efficient due to higher signal strength does not guarantee a good transmission quality. Therefore, CMM working on IEEE 802.11 medium access (MAC) layer is adopted to distribute the traffic to the near by WLANs. The simulation results show that the network throughput has been improved and the network bandwidth utilization has been increased.
