  • 期刊

ER-CLT: A Secure Emotion Recognition-Based Child Location Tracking System


As social recognition with respect to safety has recently improved, actions to prevent safety accidents and prepare appropriate measures for them have been actively taken. In particular, children are exposed to crimes such as kidnapping and abduction. To prevent child accidents, studies on smart device-based location tracking technologies have been conducted continuously. However, the global positioning system (GPS) technology used for location tracking cannot detect the location of the target accurately and has security vulnerabilities such as exposure of location information. To solve these problems, we propose an emotion recognition-based child location tracking (ER-CLT) system. The proposed ER-CLT system receives the child's audio data and determines whether the child is in an emergency situation by extracting emotional information from the audio data. The ER-CLT system improves the accuracy of location tracking compared to existing studies and provides secure location tracking functions by using encryption, authentication, integrity, and privacy protection.
