  • 期刊


De-colonization of the Historical Construction in Post-War Taiwan: Zhou Xien-Wen and "the Collection of Taiwan Local Materials" (臺灣文獻叢刊) (1946-1972)




During 1958 to 1972 the postwar period, the Taiwan Economy Research Laboratory of the Ban k of Taiwan launches editorial work of ”the Collection of Taiwan Local Materials” (臺灣文獻叢刊) because of Zhou Xien-wen's will. ”The Colleciton of Taiwan Local Materials” had become one of the most important collection for researchers of Taiwan Literature. The collection is not only a books collection of Taiwan Local Materials. When the editorial work progressing, Zhou Xien-wen's cultural thought, political position and the historical view point of Taiwan history (esp. Taiwan colonial history) had also been woven into the Collection of Taiwan Local Materials. In the cultural atmosphere during postwar period, to emphasize on the oppression of the colonizer and the revolt of the colonized is the main stream thought of history hermeneutics in postwar Taiwan.lt reflects the perspective of Zhou Xien-wen on Taiwan history.


不著撰人,〈周憲文繼任留日學生監督,今晨啟程赴日履新〉,《中央日報》民 23 年 5 月 15 日第二張第四版。
不著撰人,〈留日監督周憲文請改訂留學規程,俾介紹無護照學生入學〉,《中央日報》民 23 年 9 月 15 日,第二張第四版。
不著撰人,〈周憲文擬定改善留東計劃〉,《中央日報》民 23 年 9 月 19 日,第二張第四版。
不著撰人,〈留日學生監督周憲文來京〉,《中央日報》民 23 年 10 月 1 日第二張第四版。
不著撰人,〈周憲文向教部續商留日生減低資格〉,《中央日報》民 23 年 10 月 4 日,第二張第四版。
