  • 期刊


Ethical Computer Self-efficacy: Development and Test of a Measure of Ethical Self-efficacy for Software Piracy


軟體盜版(software piracy)行為一直是令人非常關心的議題,本研究旨在提出軟體盜版倫理效能之心理構念,並建構與驗證其量表。根據社會認知論(Social Cognitive Theory; SCT),人們對某一特定行為之自我效能是改變或執行該項行為的要素,因此,要避免使用者之軟體盜版行為,必須提升他們不從事盜版行為的倫理效能。自我效能是指人們對自己完成特定任務或行動的一種能力判斷,軟體盜版倫理效能則意指在各種可能導致盜版行為的情境下,人們所反應出來抗拒軟體盜版行為的自信心。 SCT主張自我效能是影響行為最主要的自律機制(Self-regulatory Mechanisms)之一,許多臨床研究證實自我效能對個人行為有極佳的預測力。然而,在資訊倫理(Information Ethics)研究,目前並無以自我效能來研究軟體盜版行為。本研究根據SCT首次提出軟體盜版倫理效能之心理構念(Psychological Construct),再依量表發展程序來發展軟體盜版倫理效能量表,最後以驗證性因素分析法(Confirmatory Factor Analysis)來驗證量表之信度與效度。


Software piracy is one of the most important ethical issues of our information age. Software producers have expressed increasing concern about people's behavioral changes in the illegal copy and use of their software property. Social cognitive theory asserts that self-efficacy is one of the primary self-regulatory mechanisms that serves behavioral change. To this end, this study, based on social cognitive theory, proposes the employment of self-efficacy for investigating people's ethical conducts related to software piracy. Specifically, a construct, ethical self-efficacy concerning software piracy is developed and validated. The measurement model of the construct was validated through structural equation modeling.


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