  • 期刊


Knowledge Management: The Way of Survival for Taiwan's Business in the 21st Century


亞洲地區的金融危機與日本的經濟停滯,使得過去誇耀的亞洲勤儉精神為經濟成長唯一基本動力的說法,令人懷疑。過去我國的經濟成長,主要以勞力密集的產業取勝,並以勤儉刻苦的企業精神來提昇企業競爭力。然而,近年來中國大陸已急起直追,以大量且廉價的勞力,吸引台灣企業紛紛至大陸投資設廠。面對此一經營環境的變遷,我國應擺脫過去勞力密集的產業型態,並朝產業昇級的目標邁進。 正當全球企業皆面臨經濟不確定性的挑戰之際,隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,智慧資本將成為台灣企業保持競爭優勢的關鍵。政府也意識到我國產業正面臨關鍵的轉捩點,並提出知識經濟發展藍圖,作為台灣二十一世紀初經濟奇蹟的宏偉藍圖。如何達到這個經濟願景將是國內學術界與實務界所共同關心的焦點。然而,目前國內又有多少企業真正了解知識管理的精神?為了提供一系統性的討論,並提出未來企業實踐知識管理的重要議題,本文主要以知識管理的介紹作為出發點,討論的範疇從最基層的技術平台:IT的基礎架構,到無形的管理層次平台:互信(Mutual Trust),進而提出企業知識管理的發展策略。在此一主軸下,作者深入分析探討「Meta-knowledge」的概念,以作為企業發展知識管理的策略。最後,針對未來知識管理值得研究探討的方向與議題進行一說明與討論,以作為未來知識管理領域研究的參考與基礎。本文主要的項獻在於提出知識管理三個不同層次平台的架構:分別為技術層次的IT基礎架構、管理層次的互信(Mutual Trust)、以及策略層次的Meta-knowledge,並以此為基礎,綜合過去專家學者的看法,提出未來我國發展知識管理的關鍵議題,以做為後續研究的基礎。


With the development of global and digital economy, enterprises all around the world are confronting the challenge of uncertainty. Asian nations' financial meltdown and Japan's economic stagnation make the so-called ”Asian value” doubtful. With the rapid economic growing competition from Mainland China and swiftly changing demand in IT industry, Taiwan's business needs to transform strategically in order to survive. In the past, Taiwan's economy is geared towards the engine of cheap and high quality labor, but with the rise of China's economy, Taiwan's advantage in human labor is no longer existed. The cost of manpower in China is substantially cheaper than that in Taiwan and many Taiwan's corporations are relocating their plants to China and investing heavily in China. As such, Taiwan's business needs to become brainy in order to survive in the 21st century. With the coming knowledge economy age, intelligent capital will become the key factor for Taiwan's competitive advantage. Recently Taiwan's government also realized this trend and thus proposed a blueprint for Taiwan's knowledge economy. However, how many Taiwan's managers really understand the true insight of knowledge management? In order to discuss issues about knowledge management systematically, this paper proposes a three-level model to illustrate knowledge management. This model includes the technical level, the managerial level, and the strategic level. Since many papers have discussed the issues about technical level, therefore this paper focuses on managerial level and strategic level. In managerial level, we elucidates that mutual trust is the most important basis to implement knowledge management successfully; while in the strategic level, we argues that the concept of meta-knowledge is the core spirit of knowledge management. Finally, based on the review of literatures and our discussions, we bring up some critical issues for further studies.


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