  • 期刊


A Behavioral Model of Consumer's Usage of Shopping Website




With the maturity of e-commerce and constant IT advancement, the number of customers who make purchases online is ever-increasing both globally and domestically. The critical success factors of online shopping lie in the Website quality and the actual usage level. To understand the relationship between user satisfaction and usage level, most businesses and scholars rely upon IS success model. Since the advent of IS success model, it has been adopted as the basis of IS evaluation. Many experts have supported the use of Website quality, user satisfaction, and actual usage level as the constructs of EB success model. However, previous studies seem to overlook the fact that actual usage level and behavioral intention occur in different sequences and at different phases of purchasing process (pre-purchase, purchase, post-purchase), causing evaluation errors and research failures. The aim of this study is to construct a pre-purchase shopping Website acceptance model using IS Success Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action as a foundation. We selected users who have browsed shopping Websites as the sample for our study. After statistical analysis, we come to the following conclusions: (1) In the pre-use phase, potential customers browse and collect product information using the Website and experience the quality of service, therefore actual usage occurs before user satisfaction. (2) Actual usage level indirectly affects user satisfaction though value judgment. (3) Quality of Website indirectly affects behavior intention through user satisfaction, which coincides with what the Theory of Reasoned Action depicts.


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