  • 期刊

A Hybrid e-Learning Model for QMS Auditor Training



ISO 9001品質管理系統已為各行各業數以百萬計的組織所採用。隨著市場上對品質管理系統稽核員的需求不斷增加,有關於品質管理專業稽核人員的培訓需求亦相對提高。然而,由於品質稽核的工作需要具備理念與實務的綜合技能,這使得品質管理系統稽核員的能力不容易培育與養成。本文運用混合式數位學習的模式排除品質管理稽核員培訓過程中的時間與空間限制。所發展的系統將「適性學習」、「合作學習」、「社群學習」、「鷹架學習」與「情境學習」等知名的學習理論應用於電腦學習的平台上。一系列名為「電子學習地圖」、「電子化案例演練」、「電子化社群交流」、「電子化應用理解」與「電子化作業觀摩」等有關於品質管理系統專業的數位內容,綜合應用於品質管理系統稽核員的培訓上而能有效強化品質管理系統稽核員的能力養成。研究結果證明此數位學習模式能有效的被使用於現代產業的教育訓練而所發展的數位內容應用足以達到業界所要求的訓練品質。


The ISO9001 quality management system (QMS) has been adopted by millions of organizations and in just as many business sectors. Along with an increasing demand for QMS auditors comes an equally increasing demand for training applications. However, it is difficult for a QMS auditor to achieve the required competence, as the nature of their job demands both conceptual and practical skills. This paper has employed a modern hybrid e-learning model to address the time and location limitations in training QMS auditors. It also incorporates the following learning theories ”Adaptive Learning”, ”Collaborative Learning”, ”Learning in Community”, ”Scaffolding Learning”, and ”Scenario Learning” on a computational platform. A series of hybrid, digital QMS components namely ”e-Learning Map”, ”e-Illustration”, ”e-Learning Group”, ”e-Comprehension”, and ”e-Workshop” were developed, applied and validated to effectively reinforce the competence of the QMS auditors who received the hybrid e-learning training. As a result, an effective e-learning application model, that is applicable to current industry educational practices and the quality of training deliverables, has been proven.


ISO9001 QMS Hybrid e-Learning Learning Theories


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