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The Influence of the Consistent Condom Use of College Senior Students


本研究係以ASE模式(態度、主觀規範、自我效能)為基礎,目的在探討大學生「持續使用保險套」之影響因素。研究採問卷調查法,並以台北縣市四所大學,251位有性經驗之大四學生為研究樣本,所得結果如下: 一、近半年有性經驗之大四學生,佔所有研究對象之33.96%;最近半年「持續使用保險套」者佔29.3%;「持續使用保險套」者中,單純以「避孕」為目的者佔61.9%,兼顧預防懷孕與愛滋病等性病者,僅36.5%,無人單純為了「預防愛滋病等性病」而持續使用保險套。 二、正向影響有性經驗之大四學生,「持續使用保險套」主要五項因素為:(一)較高熱悉保險套使用方法並能說服性伴侶使用之自我效能 (二) 第一次性行為時使用保險套 (三) 較高精熟程度之自我效能 (四) 正向之性樂趣態度 (五) 正向之對使用者的觀感態度。 根據研究結果,建議政府相關衛生單位,應善加利用大眾傳播媒體力量,推廣及建立年輕族群為預防愛滋病等性病而使用保險套之文化;在學校教育部分,應提早於高中階段即教導正確之保險套使用方法、勸導性伴侶使用保險套之說服技巧的相關課程,藉此以增加保險套的持續使用率。


This study is to discuss the factors of the impact of ‘‘the consistent condom use’’ for college students based on ASE models (Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self-Efficacy). This study is done by the use of a questionnaire based on a sample of 251 students who had sexual experience from 4 universities. The results are as follows: 1.The senior college students who has sexual experience is 33.96%, and among them, ‘‘the consistent condom use’’ is 29.3% ; however, their use for preventing pregnancy is 61.9%, both for the prevention pregnancy and AIDS among them is only 36.5%. Very unsafely, nobody uses the condom for the purpose of the prevention of AIDS and STDs. 2.The positive influential top-five factors of ‘‘the consistent condom use’’ to senior college students with sexual experience was as follows: (1) high self-efficacy of mastering the use of condom and persuading the sexual partner to use it (2) the use of condom on the first sexual behavior (3) the self-efficacy of good mastery (4) positive attitude towards sexual pleasure (5) positive attitude towards the condom user. According to this study, the government should make good use of mass media’s influence. Hence, the students can have the idea of correct condom use and they can prevent the inflection of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Besides, school should provide the related curriculum about the better ways of condom use and the skills of persuading his sexual partner to use the condom in order to increase the consistent condom use.


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