  • 期刊


Analysis of the Concept of Postpartum Women's Sexual Self-Efficacy


自我效能是個人採行健康行為之態度與行為意向之间的重要中介變項,而性自我效能更是預測性行為之重要中介變項,近年來,更廣泛的在性行為與認知上有所運用,雖然「性自我效能」概念已被提出,但卻一直未被清楚界定。因此,筆者希望以產婦對象出發,針對產婦性自我效能進行概念分析。本文乃應用Walker & Avant (2004)所架構的概念分析策咯進行「產婦性自我效能」之概念分析,主要目的乃在於日後進行「產婦性自我效能量表」建構效度之測試。除了擬出此概念適當的定義、屬性,且发展性自我效能之定義性特徵,並分析前置因子與後果及列舉範例,期能讓護理人員對此概念有更清楚的了解,將此概念運用於醫療專業領域中並作為量表建構之準備。


產婦 自我效能 性自我效能 概念分析


Self-Efficacy is an important mediator of personal health behavior attitude and behavior intention. It is also an important mediator for predicting sexual behavior. In recent years, the concept of sexual self-efficacy has been wildly used on sexual behavior and cognition studies. Although the concept of self-efficacy has been introduced in research, it is yet to be clarified. So, we wish to conduct a concept analysis on the concept of sexual self-efficacy especially in postpartum women. This essay analyzes the concept of sexual self-efficacy by using the concept analyzing stratagem from Walker & Avant (2004). The main purpose is to construct and test the validity of a sexual self-efficacy scale for postpartum women in the future. Besides creating proper definitions and attributes, developing the defining characteristics of sexual self-efficacy, analyzing the antecedents and consequences, listing the model case, we wish to help nurses to have better understanding on this concept and to use this concept on nursing practice, which will in turn help prepare the construction of the scale.


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