  • 期刊


The Issue of Health Care Management Articles is Writing and Publication


醫務管理教育日益發展,透過醫務管理專業文章發表,專業期刊的建立,塑造此領域的專業性,以達到其他領域的認同,是十分必要且必行的。綜合目前各醫務管理相關期刊所發表的文章後,主要可概分為原著、綜論與專案三類。 在投稿倫理上,切記要遵守不二投、不杜撰、不剽竊、不攻訐之原則。撰寫時要注意:勿詰屈聱牙、勿重覆用字、段落要分明、重視隱私權。投稿前要注意:了解投稿期刊的規定、了解投稿期刊的讀者群及了解投稿期刊風格。投稿後要注意:投稿編號、定期追蹤、儘速處理審委意見。接受發表後要注意:發表前要再三校對、發表後索取抽印本。 建議初投者:不要自恃過高,否則失望很大,找出自己真正有興趣的領域,加以發展。建議有數篇投稿被接受者:在國內期刊接受數篇後,可試投國外期刊。建議國內醫管相關期刊:設定目標與範圍,逐步訂定嚴謹的投稿規則,建立出期刊的風格。九○年代,是台灣醫管界蓬勃發展的時代,期望邁向廿一世紀之際,醫管的專業能加速成長茁壯,在社會科學的領域中佔有一席之地。


醫務管理 寫作 發表


Health care management has become popular in education. To be treated as a professional knowledge among others, periodicals containing peer-reviewed articles are required. To my knowledge, health care management articles include original, review and project. The principles of preparing a manuscript are as follows: do not fake data, do not plagiarize, and do not smear others. It is important that a manuscript under consideration should not be submitted to others. We should also observe the take care of following rules, avoid ambiguous words, do not reiterate, clearly paragraph, and respect subject's privacy. Before submitting article, one must follow the guideline of the journal. After submitting, the manuscript can be traced through the provided ID number. One should respond to reviewer's critiques as soon as possible. Once accepted, proofreading should be carefully done before publishing. Usually, offprint will be available from the publisher. It is recommend that one should focus on one's interest and not conceited. It is also recommend that one should try international journals after he/she has satisfactory experience in the domestic publication. We hope that Taiwan health care management journals can carefully define its objection and scope, implement strict rules, and building its own style step by step. In 1990s, the publication in health care management is rising and flourishing. We hope that health care management can rise mole quickly in the 21st century.


health care management writing publication
