  • 期刊


The Application of the Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making on the Service Quality of Outpatient



醫療服務具有無形性、異質性、不可分割性、易逝性等不易測量的特質,且患者對醫療服務品質語意變數上的認知應是一個模糊的概念,很難明確定羲分界點。故本研究將模糊觀念融入凖則續效值中,再利用AHP法求取凖則權重,進行醫療服務品質的評估工作。同時模糊多凖則決策亦能客觀評斷出各家醫院服務品質的水凖。 本研究選擇台中縣二家權屬性相同、競爭市場重疊的區域教學醫院進行服務品質評估研究。本研究抽樣方法采系統抽樣法(Systematic Sampling),根據每家醫院門診患者的領藥號,每隔20號且對這二家醫院均有就醫經驗者為樣本對象,二家醫院總有效問卷為1200份。研究結果顯示:患者最重視「信賴構面」、最不重視「情感構面」;最重視的服務品質評估凖則為「醫護人員專業能力」、「醫師詳細說明病情」,最不重視的評估凖則為「就醫延伸服務」、「主動提供病人所需服務」。


Health care services have unmeasurable characteristics: intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability. That perception of health care service quality is a fuzzy concept for patients. In order to evaluate the health care service quality, the authors utilize the fuzzy concept on the criteria performance, and use AHP method to look for the weights of criteria. At the same time, the fuzzy multiple criteria decision making also objectively evaluate the level of hospitals' service quality. We selected two regional hospitals that have the same attribution and the overlap of competitive markets to research. We employ the systematic sampling, according to the numbers of getting medicine hum outpatients to be the study population. In total, 1200 effective copies of the questionnaire were collected. The findings were: the patients paid much attention to 「trust factor」, less to 「emotions factor」. In the aspect of service quality, the degree of the most important criteria were 「the expertise of medical staff」 and 「the physician elaborated on patients' condition」; the opposite criteria were 「extending the medical treatment」 and 「providing actively the needed service for patient」.


