  • 期刊


The Study of Satisfaction Admission Patients under Public-private-jointed-operation Hospital-An Example of a Public Hospital at Southern Taiwan



近年來,醫療環境變動很大,醫療市場的競爭激烈,各種經營模式就是在競爭下的應變措施。南部某公立醫院即是策略運用發展成全國第一家「公私合營」的醫院。本文旨在利用南部某公立醫院為個案,探討「公」、「私」部門病人住院滿意度,藉由問卷調查並統計結果,再針對影響病患滿意度之因素進行分析,其目的在提供改善醫院服務品質之參考。我們以「病房環境設施方面」、「工作人員服務態度方面」、「醫療過程方面」、「流程時效項目方面」作為滿意度之衡量模式與構面,實測結果以SPSS軟體統計分析與t檢定發現,病患住院途徑:公營病房73%由門診住院,私營病房71.7%由急診住院;病患選擇來本院住院的原因以交通便利、親友推薦最多。「醫療過程方面」:醫護人員打針抽血的技術(p=0.001)、醫護人員打針或給藥時會詳細說明藥劑服用方式及作用(p=0.027)、住院期間主治醫師常常來巡視(p=0.004)、醫師仔細診查及詳細說明病情(p=0.006);「流程時效項目方面」:抱怨時立即得到適當的處理(p=0.007)、等待醫護人員接送的時間(p=0.015)以及清楚完整的告知住出院的準備事項(p=00.49)等七項,公營單位的滿意度明顯高於私營單位。至於「病房環境設施方面」,公私單位同處一棟醫療大樓,雙方沒有明顯差異。 以往的社會認知是私立醫療院所的營運績效優於公立醫院,可是本研究卻發現南部某公立醫院歷經多年的品質改善後,採取公私合營等策略,「公」部門住院病患滿意度不比「私」部門差,這是對公立醫院的激勵。


Recently, there is a dramatic change in the healthcare environment in Taiwan, and the heated competition in the healthcare market. There are many operating models implemented as a measure to suit the competition. A public hospital is the first ”jointed venture” hospital in the southern Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to confer the factors in influence of the patient's satisfaction in ”public” and ”private” sectors. The measured dimensions in this study for patient's satisfaction are ”Environment and equipment of wards”, ”Service attitude of staffs”, ”Medical process” and ”Flow path”. The student t-test is used to measure the results and the SPSS software is used for statistic analysis. The admitted path is 73% via OPD in public wards, and 71.7% via emergency calling in private wards. There are several findings in this study. In ”Medical process”: nursing technique (p=0.0001), explaining medical method and side effect (p=0.027)、looking at admitted patient by doctor (p=0.004)、explaining patient's condition by doctor (p=0.006); in ”Flow path”: prompt appropriate to deal with complaints (p=0.007)、waiting for transferring time (p=0.0015) and clear and complete admitted and discharged preparation (p=0.049) are better in the ”public” sectors than in ”private” sectors. There is no difference between ”environment and equipment of wards” and ”service attitude of staffs”. Under previous social perspectives, the operating effect of private hospital is better than public ones. But, this study finds that undergoing quality improving strategy in this hospital, the patient's satisfaction of public wards portion is not worse than private wards.


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