  • 期刊


Using a Daily Management System to Reduce Delays in Starting First Surgeries




Objectives: Delays in first scheduled surgeries cause patients and operating staff to wait, and the delay or cancellation of subsequent scheduled surgeries reduces the operating room's efficiency. Methods: The researchers collected data in the operating room of a 350-bed regional teaching hospital in Northern Taiwan. A daily management system was used to reduce the delay rate of the first scheduled surgery, prolong the streamlined surgery standardized operation procedure, establish continuous quality improvement action plans (e.g., visual control, process board, and a daily huddle to review reasons for delays) to enhance execution, and provide a quick response. Results: The delay rate for the first scheduled surgery decreased from 32.1% (44/137) prior to improvement (October 1 to 31, 2017) to 7.6% (10/131) postimprovement (April 1 to 30, 2018). The average delay time decreased from 29.6 minutes to 21 minutes, and the hospital's surgery cancelation rate decreased from 0.19% to 0%. Conclusions: A daily management system lowered the first scheduled surgery delay rate, reduced waiting time for patients and operating room staff, and increased the team's work efficiency.


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