  • 期刊


The Analysis and Comparison of Cultural Industry Economy and Issues of Cultural Development: A Case of Tainan


地區文化建設與文化產業發展實力的累積,除了期能促成人文與經濟產業成長、培養地區的相對競爭優勢外,並利有限地方發展資源配置,其可視爲兼具文化、經濟乃至地方總體發展意涵的前瞻性產業發展政策規劃。臺南市是臺灣最早開發的古都,也是臺灣南部第二大城市,由於地區擁有國內傳統且特有的古蹟文化資產,爲求在既有的文化發展條件基礎上,創造出新的地方發展優勢,近年來臺南市政府乃積極推出系列性文化活動與建設。經由系列性活動的舉辦,臺南市雖塑造出有別於以往的古老城市風貌,然在地方文化產業發展與地區文化行銷過程中,卻少見經由政策面的產業發展課題著手,進行文化產業基礎與文教社群參與的比較與分析,此對確實釐清地方文化產業發展盲點、促進地區資源適切配置,形成相當程度侷限。基此,本研究藉由區位商數分析(Locational Quotient, L.Q.)與臺灣北中南三大都會-臺北市、臺中市以及高雄市-地方文化產業發展條件進行現況比較,並針對各地區經濟基礎結構、地方文化行政資源與民間社群團體參與情勢加以解構。研究結果發現,臺南市文化行政資源雖相較有限,然地方文教社群團體基礎也相對堅實。因此研究建議,臺南市配合中央既定文化產業發展政策的同時,應兼重導引公私群體協力合作,藉由探求多元社群團體的需求,結合多元社群參與及導引民間資源投入機制,俾期避免文化產業發展政策推展過程中,產生解決錯誤政策問題的型三錯誤(type Ⅲ errors, Dunn, 2003)盲點,並益有限地方發展資源的合理配置。


The accumulation of local cultural reconstruction and cultural industry strength, can not only facilitate the development of civilization and the economy, but take the relative competitive advantage, which can be seen as a forward-looking industrial development policy. Tainan is the most ancient city in Taiwan, and also is the second big city located in south Taiwan. Base on the unique historical site culture assets, series of culture activities and constructions are held by Tainan municipal government positively in recent years to raise local strength. Though the city landscape of Tainan is far away from the traditional one, the comparison and analysis of foundation of cultural industry and the situation of cultural participation should be carried on to find out the real issues in Tainan's cultural industry and cultural marketing so as to strengthen the ability of local development. This study not only indicates the imbalance of industries in Tainan through comparing with Taipei, Taichung as well as Kaohsiung with locational quotient (L.Q.), but find out the resources of culture administration and the social participation in hope for clearing up the matters of Tainan's cultural industry development, avoiding type Ⅲ errors (Dunn, 2003), and giving suggestions.


