

頭配式顯示器(Head Mounted Display, HMD)是一種精巧方便的顯示器系統,它可以用以取代部份己廣泛使用的電視與電腦的CRT螢幕,及使用於筆記型電腦的液晶顯示螢幕。因此,瞭解頭配式顯示器對人體視覺造成的可能生理反應影響,為本文之主要分析目標。全文內容針對目前於HMD之使用,進行模擬實驗,並且測試在連續長時間配戴使用後,對於人體視覺機能的影響與身體是否呈現不適的感覺等進行分析。為此,針對使用者眼部肌肉疲勞度與瞳孔間距改變情況,測量各生理參數如眼電圖(EOG)等,與使用頭配式顯示器間對應關係。並且,配合對受測者之視覺疲勞度問卷,以生理學的觀察角度,用以瞭解在頭配式顯示器硬體設計上,對人體機能之影響範圍。根據本研究所量測獲得之資料分析結果,綜合而言,使用頭配式顯示器對人體生理機能之影響,均呈現比CRT較為負面之現象。除此之外,不同規格之HMD對使用者而言,所呈現的正面、負面生理機能影響,在程度上亦有不同,此研究結果可提供生產設計單位發展頭配式顯示器時之重要參考資料。


Head Mounted Display (HMD) is a delicate and convenient display system. It can replace some widely used TV and CRT monitor of the computer, and display devices of the entertainment products. There is rear information of the physical visual effect of the user to be studied in detail after continuous long time wearing the HMD. And, only a few reports indicate some uncomfortable evidences of the use of HMD, even thought the issue is an important factor for the HMD user. This paper presents a human visual testing design for studying the physical visual effects of the use of HMD comparing with that of watching on TV monitor. One test is the measurements of electro-oculography, EOG, for tracking a moving target displaying on the HMD and the TV monitor to compare the degree of the eye muscle tiredness. The second test is the measurements of user Inter-Pupillary Distance, IPD, after the use of HMD based on different target tracking test. All the tests also record the corresponding user questionnaires. Results indicate that the use of HMD do have physical visual effects and some uncomfortable evidences for continuous long time watching on the HMD screen. The paper will provide all the detail information of the results and conclusions for the HMD users. The new product designers in the HMD industry may also obtain some information in this study to develop more reliable HMD in the future.
