  • 期刊


Integration of CAD and FE Method to Simulate the Pedicle Screw within the Vertebra




The use of pedicle screw fixation systems for unstable spine has become common surgical procedure in orthopedics. These fixation systems could align the spine, maintain stability and speed up the fusion of bone graft. Recent clinical surveys have reported that the major failure modes of the pedicle screw fixation system were screw failure and vertebral body breakage. To avoid these failures, better understanding of the mechanical environment within the body and the implanted screws is essential. This study employed three dimensional finite element spine model to investigate the load transfer between the pedicle screw and the vertebrae body. CAD system was integrate into the meshing procedure to simulate the screw implantation procedure. Both contact and bonded interface condition were used to study the biomechanical behavior between the screw and body. The results shown that the major loading mode of the screw was bending and the peak stress region was occurred right before the first thread which was consistent with most clinical observations where the screw was broken. Bonded and contact interface conditions did play an important role in load transfer between the screw and body. For bonded interface condition, the screw stress distribution was more uniform and had lower peak stress value which was different from contact interface condition. In the simulation, the screw within the vertebra model included the geometry of the screw thread and employed the contact element to study the interface characteristic which had neglected by other FE simulation.


