  • 期刊


A Study of Analyzing the Use of Interviews in a Two-Year Hospitality College's Entrance Examination





面試測驗 餐旅業


Interviewing has been used extensively by various businesses and institutes in hiring personnel. It has become an increasingly important trend in human resource management.Student interviews have been used in entrance examinations at Kaohsiung Hospitality College(KHC) to screen those students who have the personal traits and skills suitable for the service industry. This study examines the correlation between students' entrance examination scores and their GPAs while at KHC. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of student interviews on their entrance examination scores and on their academic performance during their two years of study at KHC. The results of this study show a strong overall correlation between entrance examination scores and OPA for students in some departments but not in others. These results suggest that schools need to carefully evaluate their interview process in order to select those students who are most suitable for careers in the hospitality industry.


Interviewing Hospitality industry


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