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The Exploration of the Validity of Pathfinder Method Used to Assess Knowledge Structure



本研究以網路模式為理論基礎,探討徑路探測法在測量知識結構上的建構效度。研究一試探徑路探測法的測量效果。依國中新生自然科學能力測驗,將266位國小六年級學生區分為不同能力者。另外,各選取12位教師與學生,分別為專家和生手。研究結果:GTD 指數、PFC 指數和PRX 指數彼此有顯著的相關,且能區別不同自然科學能力的學生、專家與生手,其中以GTD指數和PFC指數,與理解能力的關係最密切。研究二比較徑路探測法與概念構圖法的測量效果。以國小六年級學生30人為受試。研究結果:GTD指數、PFC指數、概念構圖分數與理解能力,彼此有顯著的相關,其中以概念構圖分數和PFC指數,與理解能力的關係最密切。研究三運用不同教材,驗証徑路探測法的測量效果,並比較徑路探測法與晤談法的測量效果。依自然科學學業成績,選取45位國小五年級不同能力的學生,並從各能力組隨機選取15人,進行唔談。研究結果:在三篇教材上,PFC指數皆能區別不同自然學業能力學生,並與理解能力有聽著的相關;PFC指數與唔談得分有顯著相關,且徑路探測圖解與唔談所建構的圖解近似。本研究獲致下列結論:(1)徑路探測法的三項相似性指數彼此有相關。(2)徑路探測法的相似性指數與理解能力有相關,其中以PFC指數測量效果最佳。(3)徑路探測法的相似性指數能區辨不同能力者之差異。(4)徑路探測法、概念構圖法、晤談法在測量知識結構的效果相當一致。


Based on the network model, this study to explore the construct validity of Pathfinder method used as a tool to assess knowledge structure. The first study was to explore the validity of Pathfinder method .266 six-graders were categorized into different ability groups based on their scores on the Science Ability Test. In turn, 12 teachers and 12 six-graders were selected as experts and novices .The result indicated that GTD, PFC and PRX indices were significantly correlated with each other. All three indices effectively discriminated different ability of students, experts and novices. GTD and PFC indices were most related to comprehension ability among three indices. The second study was to compare the assessment effect between Pathfinder and concept mapping method. 30 six-graders were subjects. The result indicated that GTD index, PFC index, concept mapping score and comprehension ability were significantly correlated with each other. Concept mapping score and PFC index were most related to comprehension ability. The third study, by using three texts, was to verify the validity of Pathfinder method, and to compare the assessment effect between Pathfinder and interview method. 45 fifth-graders of different ability were selected based on their school achievement of sciences. Furthermore ,15 interviewees were randomly selected from different ability groups .The result indicated that PFC index discriminated different ability of students, and were significantly correlated with comprehension ability. Pathfinder graph was similar to the graph constructed by interview method.the results of three studies showed:(1)Three indices were correlated with each other.(2)Three indices were correlated with comprehension ability. PFC index was the best effects among three indices.(3)Pathfinder method effectively discriminated subjects with different ability.(4)The effects of Pathfinder, concept mapping and interview method were similar.


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李淑芳(2008)。國中數學科學習路徑分析之研究 ─以因數與倍數為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2008.01228
