  • 期刊

The Applicability of Western Marital Satisfaction Measures for Couples in Taiwan Based on ENRICH




本研究的目的在檢西方標準化的婚姻滿意量表對台灣的婚姻關係是否具有運用性與適切性,以期參考西方婚姻量表的使用與評量結果,並進而幫助台灣的婚姻實務工作者提供案主最適切的評估與處遇計劃,提昇助人過程的效果和效率。本研究使用ENRICH─一個在美國具有公信力且有高度信、效度的多向度標準化婚姻滿意量表作為測量工具,以台灣的夫婦為主要的研究樣本,採立意取樣的方式,收集100對非隨機、非臨床夫婦的資料(community sample )。研究結果顯示,ENRICH 的中文譯本具有高度的內部一致性信度與辨效度。如以測量工具中的各個分量表來看,在各分量表上得分越高者(如溝通、性受關係等),對他們的婚姻也越滿意。根據區辨分析的結果發現,對夫妻雙方而言,最能預測婚姻滿意度的因子包括:夫妻彈性程度、夫妻親密程度、衝突解決、個人特質以及親友關係。總結,這項研究對婚姻相關的學術研究有以下三個重要的貢獻:(1)本研究顯示,西方標準化的婚姻評量工具亦適用於台灣夫妻關係的測量。 (2)西方社會所研究出的婚姻滿意度預測因子,基本上也能用來預測台灣的婚姻滿意度。 (3)本研究同時評量夫妻雙方對婚姻的看法,在研究方法上突破以往慣用單方配偶的看法來代表整體婚姻關係的研究缺陷,也大大地提高了研究結果的可信性與準確度。


This study aimed to examine the applicability and relevance of western measures to assessing marital relations for couples in Taiwan. In this study, a well-established marital satisfaction assessment instrument (ENRICH) was translated and adapted into a Chinese version to examine whether the western measures are applicable, reliable, and relevant to Taiwanese couples. Quantitative data were collected from a non-probability and non-clinical sample of 100 married couples in Taiwan. A basic premise of this study is that the clinical usage of well-established measures of marital satisfaction would contribute to the prevention and treatment of marital dysfunction and better help the couples in need. In general, the Taiwanese participants expressed satisfaction with their marriage, with men reporting higher satisfaction levels than women. The translated Chinese version of the measurement instrument (”ENRICH”) was found to have high levels of internal consistency reliability and discriminant validity. Taiwanese couples or individual spouses who scored higher on the ENRICH scales were more satisfied with their marriages than those who scored lower on the ENRICH scales. The significant predictors of marital satisfaction for couples based on discriminant analyses included: couple flexibility, couple closeness, conflict resolution, personality issues, and family & friends. In conclusion, this study makes a significant contribution to marital research on three counts. First, this study shows that a well-established Western assessment inventory is reliable and applicable to couples in Taiwan. Second, the current study demonstrates that some previously investigated factors related to marital satisfaction in Western societies are relevant with Taiwanese couples. Finally, it examines dyadic interactions between Taiwanese spouses by assessing both partners in each couple in the sample, which was seldom done in previous marital studies.


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