  • 期刊


The Development of Observational Scales to Assess Leadership for Junior High School Students


本研究之目的在編製可供國中教師及學生家長從不同情境脈絡來評估學生領導表現的「中學生領導表現觀察量表」。首先,根據相關文獻擬訂量表架構及試題,並經專家審查及國中教師、學生家長試答,發展預試量表。其次,透過219名國中學生之班級導師及家長建立預試資料,進行教師版與家長版量表之項目分析及探索性因素分析,再以大臺北地區284名國中學生為觀察對象,以結構方程模式進行教師版及家長版「中學生領導表現觀察量表」測量模式之適配度考驗。結果顯示,教師版和家長版「中學生領導表現觀察量表」各含15道題目,包括四個因素,可形成「概念能力」和「人際能力」二個向度分數,且量表模式具良好的適配度。教師版全量表Cronbach’s α係數為.938,「概念能力」向度為.941、「人際能力」向度為.888,其餘因素為.846~.924。家長版全量表Cronbach’s α係數為.879,「概念能力」向度為.813、「人際能力」向度為.823,其餘因素為.602~.819。本研究亦發現,教師與家長的觀察有助於了解學生更多元、豐富的領導表現。最後,根據研究結果,研究者對學生領導評量及未來研究提出相關建議。


The purposes of this study were to develop teacher and parent versions of observational scales to assess leadership for junior high school students in different contexts.After literature reviewed and experts consulted, the initial scales were developed and field-tested by 219 eighth grade students' teachers and their parent. Items analysis and exploratory factor analysis were used respectively to establish the measurement models of the two versions of the observational scales for leadership of junior high school students. Then, the follow-up study used the confirmatory factor analysis to test the measurement models' goodness of fit. There were 284 eighth grade students' teachers and their parent participated in this study in Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area.The results showed: (1) the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the measurement models of the two observational scales fitted the observed data; (2) both the teacher version and parent version of the observational scales composed of four factors, 15 items, which could be divided into two dimensions-conceptual abilities and interpersonal abilities; (3) the coefficients of internal consistency of total scale, two dimensions, and four factors were .846- .941 for teacher version, and .602- .879 for parent version of the observational scales. The study also found that the observation of teachers and parent in different contexts provided more information about students' leadership.Furthermore, some suggestions for students' leadership assessment and future research were provided.

