  • 期刊

Exploring the Sales Force Competency in Taiwan: The Iceberg Model Perspective





冰山模型 銷售人員 職能


In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the development of competency model. Due to the great need for effective business practice model from corporations and enterprises in Taiwan, this paper attempts to point out the importance of developing competency based on the competency iceberg model. Accordingly, competencies belonging to the above surface (i.e., knowledge and skills) are easy to be observed while competencies of the below surface (i.e., motives, value systems, and personal traits) are obscure but are possible to distinguish superior performers from average ones. It is suggested that a valid competency model should include both of the upper and lower parts of the competency iceberg; nonetheless, there have been few studies emphasizing this notion. Therefore, this paper aims to (1) present an efficient competency model with the notion of the competency iceberg model and (2) provide Taiwan corporations and enterprises with a rigorous model-building process through utilizing data from the best practice business in this region. In order to identify key competencies that are vital to the success of sales force, thorough literature review, extensive job analysis, and in-depth personal interviews were conducted to collect job-related behavior information. A large-scale validation survey was carried out to finalize the competency model through the distribution to the 14 subsidiaries of the F-group in Taiwan. Data were tested for reliability and validity using reliability test and factor analysis approaches. The achieved results effectively provide clear evidence for the practical utility of five competency groups with 17 essential competencies and 79 sub-competency items for sales force in Taiwan. More researches using this measure in Asian countries are called for better finding generalization.


competency iceberg model sales force


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