  • 期刊


Developing Online Reading Skill Test to Assess Elementary Students' Online Reading Performance




新素養 線上閱讀


The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement tool of online reading skills (ORS), which evaluated elementary students' performance. Research that considered online reading behaviors and studies comparing expert -novice performance were used to construct the test. In the test, there were two dimensions, online reading and online operations, which include four abilities: searching skills, evaluating skills, integration skills and navigation skills. A sample of 167 fourth to sixth grade students, which recruited from 5 schools, participated in this study. Test items were analyzed by the IRT, 2PL model. The mean of discrimination parameter, which range from 0.33 to 2.05, was 0.76. The mean of difficulty parameter, which range from-3.03 to 2.79, was-0.22. The KR-20 and empirical reliability of the test was 0.66 and 0.75, respectively. Moreover, criterion validity has significantly positive correlation with students' Chinese and technology score in the school. The ORS can efficiently measure students' online reading skills with fair reliability and validity specifically when the skill score is located between-2.00 to-0.13. The results indicate that the score of sixth grade significant better than fourth grade. All students perform poorly in hypertexts integration, which need more guiding support.


new literacies online reading


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