  • 期刊


The Development of Anger Response Scale for Junior High School Student




Aggressive behavior in adolescence often arose from angry emotion. However, there were different forms of anger response which lead to aggression may have its own physiological and psychological causes. Burney (2001) in previous research identified three specific types of anger expression as reactive, instrumental and anger control. Each expression reflected the different function of mental process. Thus the purpose of this study was to develop an Anger Response Scale for junior high school student under the concept of Burney's opinions, and then to validate the scale by adopting a series of examination for the reliability, validity and measurement invariance through 292 pretest samples and 1,065 formal samples. The mainly findings were as follows: According to the confirmatory factor analysis and comparison between two competing models, the results showed that the single second-order factor model fitted the collected data well, and this model reached a satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability. Thus corresponding with Burney's theory, this finding supported the Anger Response Scale could be divided into three sub-scales: reactive anger, instrumental anger, anger control, and the total anger could incorporate of three scales into one overall scale score. Moreover, the result was also support invariance of measurement by splitting sample by gender. Therefore we could conclude that the "Anger Response Scale for Junior High School Students" was a practical tool with good reliability, validity, and stability. It could be a good and efficient tool to the further research and school counseling.


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沈子涵(2010)。台灣校園霸淩問題嚴重:逾3萬初中生曾遭同學毆打。2011年2月8日,取自http://www.cdnews.biz/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp? Coluid=115&docid=101261982
