  • 期刊

Development of the Mathematical Beliefs Scale for Junior High School Students



Among students, the indispensable element of learning motivation arises from their beliefs of positive values. The Mathematical Beliefs Scale (MBS) was developed to address the mathematics study needs of Taiwan junior high school students. For cross validation, there were two major stages, a pre-test questionnaire was then developed, and purposive sampling was used to select 114 students to participate. Reliability under the Cronbach's α was 0.850. Finally, 639 students were selected using random sampling to participate in the official questionnaire, and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. The results demonstrated good reliability and validity.


學生是否願意主動學習的關鍵要素之一,是學生本身對於學習任務的興趣、自信、價值和難度等所抱持之信念是否是正向。本研究的目的是擬發展一份適合國中學生使用之「數學信念量表」(MBS),以供研究及輔導上之應用。本研究提出,MBS 發展有兩階段:第一階段是採立意取樣,抽取114 位學生為預試樣本,進行預試問卷的信效度分析,總量表之Cronbach's α為.850;第二階段以分層隨機抽樣抽取639 位學生為正式樣本,進行正式問卷的驗證性因素分析(CFA),結果顯示MBS具有良好的信效度,亦有著良好的模式適配。


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