  • 期刊


The Unauthorized Use and Subsequent Exclusion from Government-owned Land: The Viewpoint of the Disadvantaged Minority


占用,向為國有土地管理機關難以處理之問題。現有探討國有土地被占與排除之文獻,大都以管理者之角度出發,本研究透過文獻分析、深度訪談,從占用者為出發點,探討目前處理占用問題與合宜的排除之道。 經研究發現,某軍事院校土地主要占用者為榮民,多以居住為目的。而對占用無法順利排除之原因,以占用人受不平等待遇,經濟上困頓和對占用土地周邊環境之依賴性為主,軍方對營地疏於管理則為主要助力。研究中又發現占用人之要求大多以提供住所及補償為訴求,而軍方則朝向以民事訴訟為最後手段。本研究建議彈性解決土地占用問題,並協助因環境因素所導致之違法占用者能回歸正常社會,消弭此類衝突,以促進國有地管理之效能。


占用 國有土地


The unauthorized use of land is one of the most difficult problems faced by the government-owned land authorities. While most research on exclusion from land due to unauthorized use focuses on the part of the management sector, this study takes into consideration the unauthorized land-users' viewpoint when discussing the land problem. After analyzing the literature and interviewing relevant people, some practical solutions are suggested. This study finds that land belonging to the Chinese Military Academy was illegally taken, mostly by veterans, who used the land mostly for housing. The main reasons for this illegal action given by the unauthorized users were that they felt unequally treated, their financial situation required it, and they depended on the land. Of course, the military authorities' negligence only made the situation worse. This study also finds that most unauthorized users asked for alternative housing and compensation, while the military wanted to resort to law. In this way, we can elastically solve the unauthorized-use problem, help those illegal-land users abide by the law, resolve the conflicts between the military and civilians, and promote the efficient management of land used for national defense purposes.


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