  • 期刊

Forensic Uses of DNA Tests in Taiwan



自一九八六年Jeffreys成功將DNA鑑識技術應用於犯罪調查以來,DNA指紋鑑定早已成為刑事犯罪專家利用生物學檢體偵測犯罪的一種新工具。台灣的刑法體系主要採取「罪刑法定主義」(Crime Control Model),目的即在於強調有效的執行法律以控制犯罪,在此一原則下,DNA指紋鑑定很快就會被台灣法庭所接受。然而,此種過份信賴DNA證物之結果,反而可能造成公平正義的被犧牲。 由於DNA指紋鑑定牽涉複雜的鑑定分析過程及其他相關活動,人權可能因而遭受侵害。因此,為了維護社會公義及保障人權,本篇將介紹DNA指紋鑑定在國際上經常受到質疑的案例-O.J. Simpson 案例,以供台灣法庭做為殷鑑。另外,台灣法庭在程序上雖以大陸法系職權主義為主,但本篇建議應兼採英美海洋法系的「交叉辯護」制度,既可防止法官濫用自由心證,又可抗衡檢察官於程序法上的強勢地位,以為制度上的調和。


Ever since Jeffreys successfully applied DNA techniques to a criminal investigation in 1986, DNA profiling has provided forensic specialists with a new tool to exploit biological materials. The Taiwanese criminal justice system, which uses a crime control model that emphasizes effective law enforcement and formal control by law, has readily accepted DNA profiling in court. However, underlying this enthusiastic approach to the application of DNA evidence is the danger of injustice. Because analysis of DNA profiling involves complicated procedures and a number of associated activities, human rights violations might arise. In order to safeguard social justice and human rights and to promote meaningful assessment of the applicability of proposals to Taiwan's present political milieu and clinical reality, it is essential to understand current issues regarding applications of DNA profiling within the context of an international reference. This study focuses on applications of DNA profiling by using international experience, in this case, People v. Orenthal James Simpson, as an integral step toward assuring a fair trial. The advantages of an adversarial system with cross-examination are compared with the excessive power of a judge and the advantages of the prosecution in Taiwan.
