  • 期刊

市售常用染髮劑中成分:對苯二胺(p-phenylenediamine)及對胺基酚(4-aminophenol)對圓水蚤(Daphnia pulex)及其胚胎之影響

Aquatic Toxicity Evaluation of Marketplace Selling and Commonly Used Hair Dye Components (p-phenylenediamine, 4-aminophenol) to Daphnia pulex


目的:探討染髮劑成分中對苯二胺(p-phenylenediamine; PPD)及對胺基酚(4-aminophenol; 4AP)對圓水蚤(Daphnia pulex)稚蟲之生物毒性,評估其半數影響濃度值(EC50 Value)和對胚胎的生長抑制現象,並利用試驗結果觀察對苯二胺及對胺基酚對於圓水蚤是否具致畸胎性。 方法:採用已建立之研究生態毒理學模式,研究室自行培養五代以上之圓水蚤(Daphnia pulex)為測試生物,試驗之測試藥劑皆以仿自然水體溶液為稀釋水配製系列濃度測試溶液,於每次實驗前進行配製使用。檢驗染髮劑成分(對苯二胺、對胺基酚)是否對水蚤生活史有影響。包括圓水蚤(Daphnia pulex)急毒性試驗評估樣本半數致死濃度值(LC50 value),與胚胎毒性試驗評估致畸胎之EC50濃度值。 結果:觀察發現對苯二胺(PPD)和對胺基酚(4AP)對於圓水蚤發育過程中;在形態上具有導致畸型的現象,包含在甲殼、殼刺、觸角、前肢、單眼、複眼及內臟器官等的發育不完全,此二藥劑對於圓水蚤的胚胎及稚蟲的毒性,皆會隨著濃度增加與時間的增長而有明顯增強的趨勢。研究數據指出對胺基酚對於圓水蚤稚蟲的毒性比對苯二胺強,圓水蚤胚胎對其敏感度也較高。 結論:試驗結果證實本研究之假設,市面上常見的染髮劑成分對水生無脊椎動物是有害的。暴露於對苯二胺或對胺基酚之圓水蚤胚胎相較於控制組,有死亡、生長遲滯或畸形生長等現象。研究之數據顯示市面上常見的染髮劑成分對水生無脊椎動物(Daphnia pulex)具有慢毒性之影響。


Purpose: The present study evaluated whether the hair dye components, p-phenylenediamine and 4-aminophenol, would be embryotoxic to cladoceran Daphnia pulex in the laboratory. Methods: For this study, we developed an in vitro assay system to detect toxic compounds in the aquatic environment containing 5th generation and cladoceran eggs. The eggs were placed in a culture medium containing nature-imitating water (hard water). Then, p-phenylenediamine and 4-aminophenol were added at various doses in a series of experiments in which we performed acute toxicity tests for EC50 values and evaluated embryo toxicity by observing the occurrence of visible morphological embryonic abnormalities. Results: We found both chemicals to be toxic to developing embryos. The threshold concentration for the occurrence of developmental abnormalities on p-phenylenediamine was 0.05 mg/L, and 4-aminophenols 0.03 mg/L. The developmental abnormalities consisted primarily of curved or unextended shell spines, underdeveloped first antennae, and underdeveloped Malpighian tubes. The greater the exposure to the chemicals, the greater the incidence of these abnormalities. Conclusion: We conclude that the commonly used hair dye components, p-phenylenediamine and 4-aminophenol, are chronically toxic to freshwater invertebrate animals.


Daphnia pulex Hair dye PPD 4AP Toxicity test
