  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a DM Foot Amputation Patient




糖尿病足 截肢 護理經驗


This study describes the nursing experience caring for a patient whose foot was amputated due to diabetes. During the nursing care which occurred from September 23, 2009 to October 3, 2009, methods such as Gordon's 11 functional health patterns assessment, direct nursing, observational interview, data collection, and follow-up interview were used to collect, analyze, and arrange both subjective and objective data. The patient's nursing problems were identified as ”acute pain”, ”high risk for infection”, ”self-care deficit” and ”body image disturbance.” Nursing care focused on these problems. The patient was provided with emotional support and instructions on how to relax to alleviate pain and discomfort. The patient was also taught wound care, including how to maintain wound cleanliness and prevent wound infections and encouraged to cooperate with rehabilitation therapy aimed at increasing daily life functions and triggering the motivation to care for one's self. The concern and support of nursing staff and family, as well as the adoption of progressive participation in the changing of wound dressing promoted adjustment. The patient was also help to adjust to the changes in body image caused by amputation, reconstruct positive self-concept, and readjust to new life. It is hoped that our nursing experience can serve as a reference for clinical nurses caring for similar cases.


diabetic foot amputation nursing experience


