  • 期刊


Nursing Experiences Weaning a Patient of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease from a Ventilator




肺疾病 呼吸器脫離 無力感


This case report describes a ventilator dependant 83-year-old male patient diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. During the weaning process, the patient faced physiological and psychological problems (perceived powerlessness) and his family members faced the pressure of providing him with continuous care. The author provided nursing care from 2008/2/1 to 2008/3/6, which involved observing the patient's condition, interviewing the patient, and using Gordon 11-event functional health pattern assessment guide to evaluate health needs and identify nursing challenges. The challenges found were dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response, activity intolerance, perceived powerlessness, and caregiver strain. The author established a relationship of trust with the patient and his family members while caring for the patient. Based on discussions with the patient entire medical team, we first applied continuous positive airway pressure first for two hours and then increased it by two hours everyday. These two methods were utilized alternately until the case could breathe on his own. Throughout the process, the patient,s vital signs and changes of arterial blood gases were closely observed and the patient was encouraged to get out of bed to do some exercise in order to increase his vital capacity. The author cared for, supported, and listened to the patient and family members, and encouraged them to express their emotions. This was central to both educating the family to improve their patient care regimen and resolve the psychological issues. The author concluded that, when there is a ventilator-dependent patient who needs to be weaned, in addition to providing quality of physical care, nurses should understand and address the psychological dimension of that patient's dependence on ventilation.
