  • 期刊


A Longitudinal Study of the Characteristic Development of the Singing Voice of Adolescent Voice Changes in Northern Taiwan


本研究之主要目的為分析青少年在不同歌聲發展階段的說話平均音高、歌唱音域及嗓音特性,同時探討青少年在歌曲演唱時的聲區使用情形。本研究採用為期三年的縱貫式調查研究法,以立意取樣的方式,邀請到臺北市與新北市地區三所國民小學高年級、國民中學以及高級中學,各一個原班級的學生作為研究對象。透過每學期一次的個別嗓音施測,蒐集研究對象在說話聲音與歌唱聲音的特質,以分析該些特質的變化與發展狀況,全程參與每次追蹤施測的學生共計有274 位。研究發現在變聲期間,少男的歌聲在音域與音色上皆有顯著的改變,少女的歌聲在音色上的改變較音域上的變化更為顯著,少男與少女皆最常使用低、中兩個聲區來演唱自選曲。本研究結果能協助音樂教師瞭解青少年的歌聲發展狀況,進而給予他們合宜的歌唱指導。


The main purposes of this study were as follows: (1) to analyze the average speaking pitch, singing range and tessitura, and voice characteristics of the male and female adolescents in different developmental stages of voice changes, and (2) to understand the situation of their application of vocal registers when singing the self-selected songs. A three-year longitudinal survey approach was utilized in the study. The purposive sampling subjects were invited from both the Taipei City and New Taipei City area, including fifth, seventh, and tenth graders. These students received an individual test of speaking and singing voices once a semester. A total of 274 students fully participated in the study. The major findings of the study were as follows: (1) The adolescent boys' voice had changed significantly in range and tone color during the voice changes; (2) The adolescent girls' voice had changed significantly more in tone color than range during the voice changes; (3) When singing the self-selected songs, the low and middle vocal registers were the most commonly applied by the adolescent boys and girls at various stages of voice development. The results of this study would assist music teaching in understanding the adolescents' voice development, and then to provide them with the appropriate singing instruction.


吳榮桂編(1999)。歌唱發聲教學導引。臺中市=Taichung:國立臺灣交響樂團=National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra。
