  • 期刊


Re-thinking 'The Idea of a University': Beginning with Wilhelm von Humboldt and John Henry Newman


本文的目的在重新解讀洪堡與紐曼的大學之理念。主流詮釋認為:洪堡首先提出教學與研究結合,而洪堡式大學則成為現代研究型大學的典範;紐曼自由教育的紳士理想傳承古典自由教育,並支持大學作為教學場所而非研究機構。然而,通過新資料、新方法與新研究,我們可以提出不同的見解。 德國高等教育的改革是在外力脅迫下展開的,洪堡臨危受命,大學改革匆促上場。新人文主義是洪堡時代的知識分子群體主要的思想,他們以學術自由為主軸,希望建立通過學術而達教養的大學目標。然而,缺乏充分準備、上任時間過短,以及拿破崙迅速垮台以致保守勢力復辟等因素,實質上這次改革當時未能產生巨大的影響。另一方面,正值英國傳統大學及英國國教信仰遭受衝擊的時代,通過牛津運動的試煉,紐曼充分表現他那堅定的宗教信念。自由教育的紳士理想只是世俗生活的典型,遠非德性與精神的最終依靠。藉著重建宗教與科學的關係,紐曼希望大學成為墮落的現代社會的救贖。 沒有確切的證據表明他們之間有對話關係,相反的,教學為主/教學與研究結合的虛假二律背反,則確實出自後人之手。通過上述討論,本文重新檢視這些看法,並加以適當的修正。


洪堡 紐曼 大學之理念 自由教育


The paper is mainly to review 'the ideal of a university' proposed by Wilhelm von Humboldt (hereafter Humboldt) and John Henry Newman (hereafter Newman). It is commonly agreed that Humboldt is a proponent of the idea of research-teaching nexus and that the Humboldtian University has been a guide for the contemporary research universities. It is also believed that Newman's idea about the ideal of the liberally educated 'gentlemen' is under the influence of Humboldt. A university, according to Newman, should be considered as a teaching institute rather than a research one. However, I attempt to offer a clear exposition of educational ideal by Humboldt and Newman by collecting data and investigating on their viewpoints further. In order to reveal the contention of Humboldt and Newman, this project particularly focuses on the following three aspects with discussion in depth: the historical contexts, the community of scholars and the contextual discourses. This study displays that there is no strong evidence of conversation between Humboldt and Newman. Furthermore, it is a paradox that the statement of giving priority to teaching in a university coexists with the statement of teaching-research nexus in a university, which are false consequences by successors. This paper scrutinizes and revises the above statements in order to achieve an accurate understanding of Humboldt and Newman's ideas.


Anderson, Robert(2006).British Universities Past and Present.London:Hambledon Continuum.
Anderson, Robert(2006).British Universities Past and Present.London:Hambledon Continuum.
Anderson, Robert(2006).British Universities Past and Present.London:Hambledon Continuum.
Ash, Mitchell G.(2006)."Bachelor of What, Master of Whom? The Humboldt Myth and Historical Transformation of Higher Education in German-speaking Europe and United States".European Journal of Education.41(2),245-67.


