  • 期刊


The Awkward Rail toward "Modern": Interpretive Flexibility of Taipei MRT and MRT Technology as a Form of Life




This article examines the development of Taiwan's MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system in the 1980s from the perspective of interpretive flexibility and technology as forms of life. It focuses on the "Metro-men" who were primarily associated with DORTS (Department of Rapid Transit Systems) Taipei City Government, to reveal their technology as forms of life. Based on interviews with the first generation of "Metro-men" as well as analysis of historical material, we find that the Taiwanese "Metro-men" interpreted the problem of traffic jams in Taipei City as a problem of "modernization" in Taipei and the whole country. They hoped to rebuild Taipei City and Taiwan by constructing the MRT system with a national and progressive vision. Moreover, the "Metro-men" developed their own MRT technology as forms of life through the practice of building the Taipei MRT. However, they lacked sufficient technical ability to build a state-of-the- art MRT system, and the democratization and political economic situation of Taiwan in the 1980s presented further challenges. These conditions led to the MRT project leaders' expectations outstripping their technological prowess and political reach, which fundamentally shaped their MRT technology as forms of life. This phenomenon also caused political conflicts and procedural compromises with the MCT (Medium Capacity Transit) and other political powers.


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