  • 期刊


Regulating Market, Negotiating Policies and Remodelling Profession: Taiwan Medical Association, 1946-1967




Taiwanese doctors' various social and political activities have drawn much attention from historians of Taiwan history. However, Taiwanese doctors' collective relationship with the medical market and the state after WWII remains unexplored. Focusing on the role of the Taiwan Medical Association (TMA), this paper raises the following questions: What kind of role did TMA play in shaping the post-war medical profession on the island? What is the relationship between doctors' political activities, the medical market and governmental policy? This article argues that, during the Japanese colonial period, the doctors did not and could not execute their collective influence on medical policy and, for the most part, remained freelancers. However, after WWII under the new Chinese Nationalist government, various kinds of medical practitioners were allowed into the market. To cope with the resultant chaotic and overcrowded market, doctors felt a strong need to unite under the auspices of the newly established TMA around a professional code of ethics that would strengthen their collective influence. Meanwhile, the TMA negotiated with different levels of government and the Legislative Assembly to regulate the medical market. It is in this particular context that TMA encouraged its members to become involved in various types of political elections with the aim of amending the medical regulations in their favour and thus tightening control over Taiwan's medical market.


《中國時報》(1979),〈修正勞保指定醫院辦法放寬承保醫療人數限制嚴禁向保險人 ‧ 收取保證費用違者加重罰鍰 ‧依法移送偵辦〉。5 月 30 日。
《台灣医界通訊》(1952),〈一年來的會務述要〉。創刊號,頁 10-12。
《台灣医界通訊》(1952),〈中部公會聯誼會舉行第二次例會〉。1(8): 27。
《台灣医界通訊》(1952),〈北市・北縣・苗縣公會會訓彙誌北縣召開幹部會議鼓勵會員競選議員〉。1(7): 18-19。
