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Postmodern Midwives: Displacing Rebozo into a Danish Practice through Hybrid Maternity Care




Rebozo 後現代助產師 轉譯 位移 混種


This paper discusses the "displacement" of the rebozo midwifery technology from Mexico to Denmark. Rebozo, which means wrapper or scarf, has traditionally provided pain relief to Mexican women during labour, and it has recently become a common tool for Danish midwives during childbirth. This paper examines the attraction of rebozo for various actors along with its integration into and influence on Danish maternity care. Fieldwork revealed that through its integration into Danish maternity care, rebozo has been translated into a Danish practice. The successful displacement of rebozo from Mexico to Denmark has enabled its integration with other practices and alignment with national clinical guidelines. Notably, this displacement was caused by the decentralised and discontinuous actions of various actors. Based on rebozo, this paper explores identity among modern midwives and their relation to traditional midwifery; modern midwives can promote natural birth and reduce medical intervention by using traditional crafts. By adopting traditional alternative crafts along with modern midwifery and western medicine, Danish midwives are transcending the dichotomies of biomedicine vs. midwifery, North vs. South, and modernity vs. tradition. The paper contributes to discussions of the fluidity and translation of technology and discussions of tradition vs. invention in science, technology, and society.


rebozo postmodern midwives translation displacement hybridity


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