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Application of Light Traps to Monitor Population Fluctuation of Stored-Product Pests in Imported Brown Rice Storehouses


部分積穀害蟲善飛及具趨光特性,利用燈光可達極佳的誘引效果。為瞭解長期應用燈光誘引器作為進口糙米之害蟲監測工具可行性,本研究選擇分別貯藏於林內、莿桐、六甲及仁武等四處倉庫之美國進口同批號糙米,長期監測燈光誘引器對害蟲誘集效果及袋內之害蟲發生數量變化。以燈光誘引器在林內、莿桐、六甲等三個常溫倉實際捕獲之初級及次級害蟲相極為相似,初級害蟲以麥蛾(Sitotroga cerealella)、粉斑螟蛾(Cadra cautella)及穀蠹(Rhyzopertha dominica)為主;次級害蟲以角胸粉扁蟲(Cryptolestes pusillus)、背圓粉扁蟲(Ahasverus advena)與茶蛀蟲(Liposcelis divinatorius)為主。仁武倉為控制於15~18℃之低溫倉,害蟲誘引數遠低於常溫倉。袋內直接取樣之害蟲數量顯示,3處常溫倉初級害蟲均以米象(Sitophilus oryzae)為主,與燈光誘引器所誘得之蟲相差異極大,而次級害蟲則與燈光誘引器所誘得之蟲相較一致。本研究結果顯示,燈光誘引器在進口糙米倉之害蟲監測應用上,對初級害蟲穀蠹、麥蛾、粉斑螟蛾及次級害蟲角胸粉扁蟲、背圓粉扁蟲、茶蛀蟲等有較佳誘引效果,遠勝於對米象之誘引。未來燈光誘引器極適合推薦於大部分積穀害蟲消長之監測。


Some stored-product pests can be trapped by light due to their positive phototactic behavior. In the present study, light traps were used for the long-term monitoring of stored-product pests in imported brown rice storage facilities. Only the storehouses storing the same batch of imported brown rice from the USA were investigated, and they were located in Linnei, Cihtong (Yunlin County), Liujia (Tainan City), and Renwu (Kaohsiung City). The results of light-trapping in the common storehouses in Linnei, Cihtong, and Liujia showed a similar level of primary and secondary pests, with the populations of the primary pests Sitotroga cerealella, Rhyzopertha dominica, and Cadra cautella reaching their peak in May and October, 2006, respectively. In addition, the secondary pests, Cryptolestes pusillus, Ahasverus advena, and Liposcelis divinatorius reached their peak between September and November, 2006. The storehouses in Renwu were maintained at 15 to 18°C, and the number of pests caught by light traps in these storage facilities was significantly lower, although the density of secondary pests, L. divinatorius and Cartodere constricta, started to increase gradually ten months after the rice was placed in storage. The survey also showed that in the common storehouses in three different townships the primary pest in the imported brown rice was Sitophilus oryzae, which was very different from the light-trapped results. Nevertheless, the make-up of the secondary pests when surveyed by two different methods were similar. Moreover, both these primary and secondary pests were rarely found in the rice storage bags of the low temperature storehouses in Renwu. These results indicate that using light traps to capture S. cerealella, C. cautella, C. pusillus, A. advena, and L. divinatorius is much more effective than it is for capturing S. oryzae in common storehouses. It is recommended that in the future, light traps be used to monitor the population fluctuation of stored-product pests in imported brown rice in common storage facilities.
