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Re-assessment of the Threatened Rainbow Sheath Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae)-What are They? Which Species should be Protected?


最近利用分子序列譜系分析所得的結果顯示,「保育類野生動物名錄」中之「虹彩叩頭蟲」(Campsosternus watanabei Miwa)和外型相似的「紅緣大青叩頭蟲」(C. yasuakii Suzuki)的確為不同物種,但前者為有效物種,後者則是大綠叩頭蟲(C. mirabilis Fleutiaux)的一個色型變異,而另一種具有類似的色型變異的中國朱肩麗叩頭蟲(C. gemma Candèze)則未分佈於臺灣;至此「虹彩叩頭蟲」的確實身分已獲得釐清。本文乃根據此一重要分類進展和最新的生態資訊,依照2009年行政院農業委員會林務局建立之保育類昆蟲評估量表,對臺灣所有的4種麗叩頭蟲重新評分,以評估有哪些物種應列入保護。結果顯示虹彩叩頭蟲與大綠叩頭蟲評分皆高於56分,臺灣大青叩頭蟲(C. guishuni Ôhira)更高達68分,明確超過保育類評估標準,應列為II級珍貴稀有保育類昆蟲;大青叩頭蟲(C. auratus (Drury))僅得30分,未達保育類野生動物得分門檻,但考慮麗叩頭蟲由外型不易辨識種類、且色型變異複雜,為提高第一線保育執法的效能與可行性,降低委託專家鑑定所耗費的時間與金錢成本,建議下一次修訂保育類野生動物名錄時,將臺灣現有麗叩頭蟲屬之所有4個物種一併列為保育類野生動物,加以保護。


The taxonomic identity of the ”Rainbow sheath click beetle”, a legally protected species in Taiwan, has long been controversial until now. A recent molecular phylogenetic study has shown that Campsosternus watanabei Miwa, the true ”Rainbow sheath click beetle”, is a valid species. C. yasuakii Suzuki which shares a similar morphology with C. watanabei is actually a color variety of C. mirabilis Fleutiaux, and thus invalid. Another similar species, C. gemma Candèze from China, was found to be non-conspecific with any Campsosternus species in Taiwan. Based on these new findings and newly obtained ecological data, we re-assessed the conservation status of four Campsosternus species in Taiwan. The criteria for the assessment of threatened insects used by the Council of Agriculture in 2009 were applied. The results show that C. watanabei, C. mirabilis, and C. guishuni Ôhira, which are all endemic to Taiwan, exceed the score threshold for threatened species in Category II. The score for C. auratus (Drury), a widely distributed and common species, was below the threshold. All Campsosternus species in Taiwan, however, resemble one another in appearance, making it difficult to accurately identify them. This may result in confusion and may make it difficult to execute if C. auratus is excluded from the threatened species list. We therefore suggest that when the government's red list of threatened insects will be revised in the near future all four Campsosternus species in Taiwan are officially listed as threatened species in Category II.


