  • 期刊

E - Japan Strategy for National Economy and Lesson for International ICT Cooperation




本文試圖分析「E-日本策略」和其透過資訊傳播科技(ICT)和國際ICT合作對抗全球數位落差而對日本國家經濟所具有的意涵。肇始於2000年的E-日本策略為五年社會經濟計畫帶來卓越的進展,就價格和速度而言,它使得日本的寬頻接取成為世界第一。 本文包含十章,熱門話題如寬頻發展、遍佈社會、CIO以及一些跨領域議題、趨勢和ICT合作。這段期間,在「E-日本策略」下,ICT對日本的國家經濟帶來了正面的衝擊。政府、企業和大學之間的合作性測量乃是立基於互賴關係、集中力量和團隊協作的條件。 從此一日本經驗可推知,我們將有各種不同的機會以尋求解決方案來縮減個別亞太區域或國家的數位落差。本文將呈現我們對此一議題所採行的活動以供參考。


E-日本策略 CIO E-大學 ICT效應 亞太經合會 寬頻


This paper is to analyze ”e-Japan Strategy” and its implications to the Japanese national economy by ICT as well as International ICT cooperation against global Digital Divide issues. E-Japan Strategy originated in 2000 has made a remarkable progress for the 5-year socioeconomic program which has led broadband access in Japan became No.1 in the World in terms of price and speed. The paper consists of 10 chapters such hot issues as broadband development, Ubiquitous Society and CIO as well as crosscutting issues, trends and ICT cooperation. ”e-Japan strategy” has made positive impact by ICT on national economy in the period. Cooperative measurement among government, industry and university based upon interdependence, convergence and collaboration. As Japanese lessons hinted, we will have various opportunity in each nation on solution for reducing digital divide in Asia and Pacific region. This paper will demonstrate some of our activities on the issue for reference.


e-Japan Strategy CIO e-University ICT Effect APEC Broadband


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