  • 期刊


A Studying of Creative Mathematics Course for Preservice Teacher


本研究是以行動研究法設計一門創意教學的數學課程,以期能讓職前教師(師院生)經驗數學的創意教學活動,以體驗他們自己的數學創意思考的解題能力。 在課後的報告與學期結束時的問卷調查中顯示出學生(一)學習到解決數學問題的正確方法,而不再是如以往一般背公式、代公式的解題形式。(二)具有發展形成數學問題的能力。(三)具有以數學作為表達及溝通工具的能力。(四)具有欣賞數學的能力。 因此在本研究的課程設計下,學生會自己主動探究問題,同時還會進行群體討論;在解題過程中不僅會解決既有的數學問題,進而會自己再形成一些新的、相關的數學問題;在解決新舊問題之後會擁有愉悅及成就感。而學生的這些表現就是創造力的表徵。


This research contrived a course on creative instruction in mathematics based on action research with a view to let students experience creative math instruction and further cultivates their own ability in creative problem solving in math. From the after-class reports and the questionnaire administered at the end of the course, this research discovered that instead of relying on their old ways of memorizing and using formulas, students learned the correct approach to solving math problems. In addition, students attained the ability to create math problems on their own. Students also acquired the ability to communicate and express themselves in mathematics. Finally, appreciation for math was cultivated in students. Under the curriculum this research devised, students are able to actively probe into problems and conduct group discussions. During the process of problem solving, they were not only able to solve the existing problems, but were also able to initiate new or related problems. The sense and joy of accomplishment gained by the students after their solving of the old and new problems bear out the essence of creativity.


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