  • 期刊


A Study on the Effectiveness of Elementary Teachers Participating in Creative Teaching In-Service Education


有鑑於近年對於創意教學的重視,相關的教師研習活動相當多,但相當可惜的是缺乏對於研習成效的探討,所以,本研究所討論的即是教師參加由國立台南大學教育系所辦理的教師創意教學工作坊,為期三天,目的在探討教師在參加此研習後的成效。本研究以參加創意教學工作坊的70 位教師為實驗組,另70 位教師為對照組,經單因子多變量共變數分析以及二因子多變量分析後發現,參加工作坊確實對於創意教學的整體改變有顯著效果,再以單變量共變數分析考驗發現,參加研習的教師在問題解決激發想像、多元教學引發動機、互動討論促進思考以及心胸開放意義學習這四個構面皆有顯著效果。參加研習與否與高低內在動機的交互作用經由單純主要效果的分析顯示,若是高度內在動機的老師參加研習,對於創意教學行為構面中的「互動討論促進思考」及「多元教學引發動機」具有顯著提升效果;若是低度內在動機的教師參加研習,則在「心胸開放意義學習」及「問題解決激發想像」這兩個構面上有明顯效果。


The importance of teacher professional development has been accepted by the public. There are plenty of routes to enhance professional development, and taking place in-service education activities is one of the key routes for the operation. Nevertheless, the specific effectiveness of teachers participating in in-service education is seldom mentioned in literatures. Taking 70 teachers who participate in the creative teaching workshop as the experimental group, another 70 teachers who do not participate in the workshop are regarded as the control group in this study. With One-way Multivariate Analysis of Covariance and Two-way Multivariate Analysis, it is found that the participation in the workshop actually appears significant effects on the overall change of creative teaching. With further tests of Univariate Analysis of Covariance, the teachers participating in in-service education present remarkably effects on Problem-solving Induced Imagination, Multi-teaching Induced Motivation, Interactive Discussion Enhancing Thinking, and Open-minded Meaningful Learning. Furthermore, the interaction between the participation in in-service education and the intrinsic motivation show distinct effects on creative teaching behaviors. Simple Main Effect Analysis reveals that teachers participate in in-service education with high intrinsic motivation would significantly enhance both Interactive Discussion Enhancing Thinking and Multi-teaching Induced Motivation in the creative teaching behaviors, while teachers participate in in-service education with low intrinsic motivation present notable effects on both Open-minded Meaningful Learning and Problem-solving Induced Imagination. According to the above research conclusions, the correspondent suggestions are proposed in this study for the reference of teachers and in-service education institutes.


