本研究主要目的在編製適用於教師或成人使用的情緒智慧量表,並探討教師的情緒智慧與心理健康狀況及其關係。本研究以自編的情緒智慧量表及正向心理健康量表為研究工具,以103 年度台師大進修推廣學院進修的學員共639 名為研究對象。其中包括學校或機構任教的學員502 名及非學校教師共137 名。研究結果顯示:(一)情緒智慧量表具有穩定及一致的信度和理論依據的建構效度。(二)情緒智慧因教師身分、年齡、教學經驗及婚姻狀態不同而有差異,但是不因性別或學歷而有不同。(三)心理健康因教師別、性別、年齡、教學年資及婚姻狀態者不同而有差異,但是心理健康不因學歷不同而有差異。(四)情緒智慧與心理健康關係密切,情緒智慧對心理健康具有27%預測力,且以情緒調節對心理健康影響最大。
The purpose of this study is to conduct an emotional intelligence scale and to investigate the emotional intelligence (EI) and positive mental health (PMH) of learners in School Continuing Education of NTNU, as well as to explore the relationships between emotional intelligence and mental health in teachers and non-teachers. The sample of this study consists of 639 learnerrs in School Continuing Education of NTNU. The participants were asked to complete the "emotional intelligence scale" and "positive mental health scale". The results of this study are shown as followed: 1.The Emotional Intelligence Scale is a good reliable and valid scale, suits for teachers and non-teachers to measure Emotional Intelligence .2. The results for EI by teacher-status, age, teaching experience, marriage revealed significant differences. However there are no gender and educational background differences in EI. 3. The results for PMH by teacher-status, gender, age, teaching experience, marriage revealed significant differences. But there are no educational background differences in PMH. 4. There is a significant positive relationship between EI and PMH. Furthermore, it was found that among the five factors of EI, emotional adjustment is the most positive predictors of mental health.