  • 期刊


The Relationship between Goal Orientations and Intrinsic Motivation of Taiwan and International Tennis Players


這篇研究的目的有三方面:(1)檢視台灣及西方國家選手與性別在「目標取向」與「內在動機」的差異。(2)檢視不同成績表現在「目標取向」與「內在動機」的差異。(3)探討不同「目標取向」與「內在動機」的相關情形。受試者包含了西方國家的82位頂尖選手(男子有47位、女子有35位),受試者自願報名參加勞力士橘子杯(ROLEX ORANGE BOWL)國際青少年網球錦標賽,及台灣國內參加全國網球排名賽的84位頂尖選手(男子有53位、女子有31位),共166位為受試者,平均年齡為18.41±2.40歲。受試者在比賽期間,於上場前先徵得受試者之同意進行施測,以個別方式完成二份問卷,內容包括有基本資料、運動目標取向量表及運動動機量表。研究調查結果指出:(1)台灣及西方國家選手與性別差異在「目標取向」與「內在動機」上,在自我取向分量表方面,台灣選手比西方國家選手較為自我取向;女性選手比男性選手傾向於自我取向。(2)不同成績在「目標取向」與「內在動機」上,有世界排名者在「工作取向」平均數得分低於有國家排名者及無排名者;在內在動機方面:有世界排名者和有國家排名者在「努力/重要」平均數大於無排名者。(3)不同「目標取向」與「內在動機」的相關情形。其結果指出台灣與西方國家選手為工作取向者,顯著地與努力/重要,享樂/興趣,成正相關,支持理論性的假設及先前的研究。


The purpose of this study was three-fold: (1)to examine the difference on dispositional goal orientations and intrinsic motivation between Taiwan and International tennis players and to examine the effects of gender differences. (2)to examine the difference on dispositional goal orientations and intrinsic motivation between level in tennis players (3) to examine the relationships between dispositional goal orientations and intrinsic motivation. The subjects were 82 world ranking group A- super series tennis players (male= 47, female=35) who participated in a major international junior tennis tournament and 84 Taiwan tennis players who participated in national ranking tennis tournament in Taiwan (male = 53, female=31) mean age=18.41±2.40, The subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire which included assessment of demo-graphic information, the sport motivation scale, and task and ego Orientations. The results indicated that: (1)There is significant differences were revealed in indices of ego orientation, the results indicated Taiwan's players tend to ego orientation than International tennis players; female tend to ego orientation than male tennis players too.(2)There is significant differences were revealed in indices of task orientation subscale, the results indicated that the country ranking and others tend to task orientation than the world ranking; There is significant differences were revealed in indices of effort/importance subscale, the results indicated that the country ranking and the world ranking greater than others.(3) In terms of the relationships of task and ego orientation to intrinsic motivation in relation to participating in tennis, the results supported the theoretical hypotheses and previous studies.
