  • 期刊


The Learning Effect after Mini-Tennis Teaching among Different Gender Beginners in College Tennis Lesson


本研究之目的為探討迷你網球在大專體育課中不同性別的學習效果,以台北市立體育學院體育系選修網球課程76位初學學生為研究對象,教學實驗地點為台北市立網球場,配合為期十八週之教學大綱為教材,從事實驗性教學研究,所得資料經SPSS 8.01版電腦套裝軟體統計分析之後,得到下列結果: (一)在動作技能方面,不論是男生或女生,於十八週的迷你網球教學之後,二組研究對象的動作技能成績有顯著進步,表現均優於教學前,男生組的達成率大於女生組,但是,女生組的進步幅度大於男生組。 (二)在認知方面,男生或女生有無接受迷你網球教學對認知沒有顯著差異,但是在男女生的認知方面皆得到正面性的學習效果。 (三)在情意方面,女生組於十八週的迷你網球教學之後,對情意方面產生很大的影響;男生組方面也有相同的趨勢。而男女生在接受迷你網球教學後對情意皆達到正面性的學習效果。


迷你網球 學習效果


The purposes of this study were to research the learning effect after mini-tennis teaching among different gender beginners in college tennis lesson. Five motor skill tests and ”Survey of mini-tennis cognition and affect” were used as the research instrument. Seventy-six college students served as the subject of this study. The experimental research was implemented in eighteen weeks. The conclusion result from the data obtained by the test, through statistic analysis is as followed: 1. About motor skill, Boys had better motor skill performances after mini-tennis teaching. Moreover, girls had more improvement. 2. About cognition, not significant correlation was found in the study. But positive cognition learning effect was found in gender. 3. About affect, significant correlation was found in girls group on cognition learning affect. Also positive affect learning effect was found in gender.


Mini-Tennis Learning Effect


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