  • 期刊


Organizing Your Thoughts and Sharing Your Creativity: Investigating the Function of DanceForms and Implementing in Dance Composition


在科技快速進步的今天,一切生活中之必需品都離不開科技,世界亦因為科技的快速發展緊密的聯結,讓人不容否認的一個事實,就是科技影響人類的生活的各個層面。就在舞蹈電腦軟體Life Forms/Danceforms問世後,舞蹈也不能免俗的進入了與科技融合的場域,但舞蹈與科技間的關係到底為何?科技除了擴張舞台表演原有的二度空間設計外,無疑的也加強編舞者動作意念的表達;科技既已幫助舞蹈創意的延伸,作為舞蹈教師應該如何看待舞蹈與科技結合?本文藉由舞蹈電腦軟體Life Forms/DanceForms將舞蹈動作具體呈現於舞台之上,說明Life Forms /DanceForms如何作為新的媒介刺激舞蹈創作,同時又成為分享舞蹈動作的意念之工具。為要說明加強Life Forms /DanceForms在舞蹈創作上的功能,藉由迦納(Howard Gardner,1943-)多元智能論來檢視Life Forms /Danceforms的功能。最後,為建立正確態度面對未來舞蹈與科技結合之趨勢,提供筆者之看法與意見。


It is hard to deny that today's technology inventions function as a significant bridge to connect people's daily life at multiple levels. Take the example of Life Forms, which is a computer program to combine technology with dance to enhance and expend the scope of dance performances. In addition, Life Forms/Danceforms also helps a choreographer to convey his/her belief through dance. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between dance and technology through the employment of the software of Life Forms/Danceforms. In particular, the author draws on Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences to (re)conceptualize role(s) and function(s) of Life Forms/Danceforms in dance choreography. Aiming to establish a positive attitude towards the use of technology in dance education, the authors draw on their personal teaching experiences to provide a perspective on the integration of dance and technology.


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