  • 期刊
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A bibliometric analysis of the publications in Macau Journal of Nursing




A bibliometric analysis was conducted on all the publications in Macau Journal of Nursing. The analysis would explore the publication features of the journal and help to develop improvement strategies for the journal's future. Method: All the academic articles published by the journal were reviewed in terms of background of the authors, styles of the articles, and citations in the articles. Result: Totally 286 academic articles have been published since the journal's launch in 2012. Out of the articles 35 were in English while the others were in Chinese. The articles were contributed by the authors from Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China as well as other countries, with those from Macau accounting for 71.6% of the totality. These articles reported the results of various study designs but surveys composed 34% of all the articles. There were 4095 citations included in the 286 articles, 14 citations per article on average. The number of citations per article was higher with articles in English than that of articles in Chinese. The ratio of self-citation was 1.7%. The Price index was 53.5%. Conclusion: The journal seems to be more internationalized than other Chinese journals. It has its own cultural features and can act as the communication platform of nursing professionals from different regions of China. Yet the journal needs to increase its publications.
