  • 期刊


Contracting Relationship of Social Service Privatization-Investigation Report on Custody Arrangement of Chiayi CCF


一九八0年代以來,社會福利多元化的趨勢,為政府在社會福利服務的輸送提供了新的選擇,福利多元主義、福利混合經濟及福利國家私有化等概念,都主張引入非政府部門的力量(市場或志願服務部門)來補充或代替政府部門的社會福利角色。福利服務民營化除可控制政府日益龐大的社會福利支出,亦可藉著民間福利機構較具彈性、效率與多元化的特性,提升福利服務品質。福利服務業務的委託外包是民營化的策略之一,亦即公部門經由契約關係向私部門購買特定服務,供給特定目標群體的一種策略。 此轉變的趨勢相當程度衝擊到社會工作的經營,無論是社會服務的供給到社工員的角色,都隨著經營型態的轉型而調整,而政府與社會福利機構間的關係也將以契約代替補助的關係。為能進一步貼近瞭解社會服務民營化之執行現況,本文擬藉由瞭解嘉義縣政府委託嘉義家扶中心執行監護權訪視,探討福利服務委外之現況與限制、社工員之角色與困境,期能提供未來非營利組織與政府合作方案之參考。 本文透過資料分析所獲致之結果與發現,針對三方面提供建議:(一)社會工作與法律的專業關係,即強調社工與法律兩種專業如何共同為社會公益的使命而努力,是專業工作者更值得深思的問題;(二)地方政府與家扶中心間的服務委託關係,主張整合司法、社政以及民間三方力量,提供監護權訪視服務,保障子女最佳利益,同時加強司法與社會工作間跨專業的合作關係;(三)對地方政府(委託單位)之建議,提升家扶中心工作人員業務執行中的專業知能,整合相關社會資源,提供家扶中心在執行監護權訪視時得以尋求協助與諮詢的對象。


Since 1980s, there has been a trend of social welfare privatization in the western countries, which have tried to diminish public assets and to limit the participation in the pubic service, and thus the government is not the only social welfare provider any more instead of cooperating or sharing with civil organizations. Consequently, the development of furnishing social welfare is various, and the contract out policy is one of social welfare service provided by the public and private collaboration. his paper will take Chiayi CCF run by investigation report on custody arrangement of the contract out policy as the study case to analyze and evaluate. Besides reviewing literatures and documents, the data of the paper came from the directors and staff in Chiayi CCF to understand the social worker's investigating experiences and the content of the custody evaluation.. According to the results in this paper: (1) the professional relation of Social work and laws, namely emphasize how does the society worker and a judge to work together for social public good; (2) the contracting relationship of local government and CCF, namely combines justice, social policy and civil organizations to provide investigation report on custody arrangement service and insure the best interests of child; (3) The suggestion on the local government, namely improve the profession of CCF staff and combine relevant social resources.


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